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Canvas prints of my artwork will be available soon via BluEagle eShop. I am looking forward to sharing the precious story of each art piece with you. My vision for my artwork in a nutshell: “I am passionate about conveying a dynamic sense of hope and healing amid struggles in life, art, and relationships. My work is intuitive, spontaneous, and symbolic. The strong colours, gestures and brushwork come together in dramatic, energetic compositions of my unique iconography. The colours and contrasts in each art piece are symbolic of the hope we have in Christ”
Canvas Prints’ van my kunswerk sal binnekort via BlueEagle eShop beskikbaar wees. Ek sien uit daarna om die kosbare storie van elke kunsstuk met jou te deel. My visie vir my kunswerk in 'n neutedop: "Ek is passievol daaroor om 'n dinamiese gevoel van hoop en genesing oor te dra te midde van stryd in die lewe, kuns en verhoudings. My werk is intuïtief, spontaan en simbolies. Die sterk kleure, gebare en kwaswerk kom saam in dramatiese, energieke komposisies van my unieke ikonografie. Die kleure en kontraste in elke kunsstuk is simbolies van die hoop wat ons in Christus het.”
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A Word of Cautions Regarding Fake Profiles.
The internet is a wonderful tool that allows us to communicate with each other. However, we are aware of the fake profiles of Dr Barbara Louw and Rev Wynand Louw on some social media platforms.
We attempted to report the profiles we were informed that they don’t consider these to be “against their Community Standards”.
When interacting on social media please do your own due diligence to verify that you are interacting with the intended person. Do not engage in any money-making or begging schemes.
If you are suspicious of anything unsound or improper on our accounts or websites, please contact us without delay.
Our contact detail is published on this site.
We remain committed to making a positive difference in people's lives by encouraging and training them.
Thank you for your support and patronage.
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I am your breakthrough champion who demystifies trauma and crises because life is about more than solving problems. Life is a journey with many ups and downs as well as detours and exit roads.
Going for counselling can be an unnerving prospect in any situation where you haven’t defined your problem in your own words. The first question you can ask yourself is might I benefit from trying counselling? The answer is an unequivocal YES if you are experiencing one or more of the following awareness:
- The constant feeling of being overwhelmed
- You can’t seem to stop making self-defeating choices
- You might be stuck in a frustrating rut
- You are caught in a place where nothing you’ve done before seems to have helped
- You feel like nobody understands
- You are riding an emotional rollercoaster
- You crave a new perspective
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Chapter by Dr Barbara Louw 2018
Some of the most challenging aspects of ministry are the integrities of human suffering, illness, spirituality, and wholeness in dealing with people who need pastoral mediation and healthcare. Trauma and posttraumatic embitterment can be demystified in a manner that can make a positive difference to the quality of people’s lives. This unique perspective in dealing with victims, survivors and people who become more than conquerors cuts across the fields of crisis management, trauma relief facilitation and pastoral services, with reference to the role of people’s spiritual context in bitterness. Forgiveness and restoration of health are explored to understand the effects of discourses in a wholeness context. To achieve this, a posttraumatic wellness coaching model is utilised.
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